2025 T-Shirt
White Cane Day
T-Shirt Design Contest
Submission Deadline: April 11, 2025
Now accepting artwork for White Cane Day 2025! We are asking for artwork to be submitted by the blind/visually impaired or anyone associated with the blind/visually impaired through family or work.
“All artwork will be checked for copyrighted material, if found we will be unable to use the artwork submitted.”
Please include the following with your art submission:
- Name
- Age
- Address and phone number
- Description of your design
- Email Address
T-Shirt Design:
- Must include a cane and a guide dog.
- Can be Drawing or Digital (.ai; .eps; .pdf; .png)
- Include unique slogan with design.
Submit Artwork to:
Texas Workforce Commission/Blind Services Field Support
White Cane Day
Attn: Rebecca Bilbrey
101 East 15th Street, Room 144T
Austin, TX 78778
Or email digital file to: WhiteCaneDay@twc.texas.gov
Visibility Fact: White Cane Day has sold over 20,000 T-Shirts throughout Texas and the United States!
Will be available at the White Cane Day T-Shirt Booth on
October 15th at the TSBVI campus while supplies last!
Online T-Shirt Ordering Coming this Summer!